Blogger's note: This post was updated in June of 2016 to include a current Amazon link.
My family shares our home with three dogs. Nina and Bella are pictured here in a rare moment of camaraderie. Like all dogs, our dogs love to play fetch, chase squirrels, and gnaw on bones...but their favorite pastime by far is shedding profusely on our furniture. No, we don't actually allow them on the furniture, but it's tough to stop them from using the side of our sofa as a giant backscratcher. Enter the FURemover, which can be purchased from Amazon for under $10. It's a simple rubber brush (the rubber feels like rubber bands) that you can use to remove pet hair from your furniture. Or, more accurately, to move pet hair from your furniture to your floor, where it can then be easily vaccumed up. Why use this instead of just vacuuming the furniture? Because it's faster, it's lighter, and it picks up hair that the vacuum misses. It's also completely washable and sanitizable. Incidentally, it can also be used to clean your car, scrub your dog, squeegee your windows, and wipe crumbs off of your table. Neato!
This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.